
Brew Born at Sea

New British brewing company, Brewdog, known for its rather original brewing processes, is now shipping their latest creation, Atlantic IPA. A beer totally fermented on the high seas.

This unique ale has quite a story to it, to say the least. Apparently one of the brewery’s founders has a buddy with a massive fishing troller, so he loaded up 8 barrels of an original 1856 IPA recipe and set out into the North Atlantic fishing waters. For two months the barrels, strapped to the posts of the ship’s deck rocked through the stormy waters. Some tumultuous white squalls washed the deck with 60 foot waves, and one barrel was lost at sea.

The high-gravity, extra-hoppy, India (or should I say Atlantic) Pale Ale is ready for its limited edition debut. Only 960 bottles were made, so if you’re interested, act fast. If I was a pirate this would be my beer of choice, it just represents reckless endeavors for originality and flair and I respect their will to really recreate the essence of IPA style. One born out of necessity for the long seafaring travel between Britain and its colonies.

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